Contact Us

Please read below before contacting us.

If you would like to contact us, fill out the form below. Please state which of our breeds you are interested in and if you prefer a male or female.
When we are taking names for a waiting list, a notification is posted on the Puppy page for that breed. We do not start a waiting list until a litter is born. Pricing for puppies is listed on the puppy pages.
We do accept PayPal, VENMO, ZELLE, credit cards and cash. (There is a 3% fee charged by the card issuer, which will be added to the total purchase.)
Thank you for your interest! Please stop by again. We answer all of our e-mails, if you do not get a response within 24 hours it is because your provider is not accepting our e-mail address.

To contact us, please fill out the form below.